Varmakalai is the mother of all arts, cure and healing. The art as such is estimated to be older than 50,000+ years, as per our ancient Vedic scriptures. Varmam as such is a divine blessing of ancient Siddhars and Sages like Agasthiyar and Bhogar. Most natural treatment methodologies like Ayurveda, Siddha, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Yoga, Pranayama, Pranic Healing, Reiki etc. are branches of Varmam.
Varmam works at the Root level – basically, the arteries (blood vessels that carry pure/oxygenated blood to the various parts of the human body, organs, and muscles), Veins (the impure blood travels via veins to the heart and then to lungs for purification) and Nerves (those vessels that carry the electrical impulses/instructions from the Brain to the parts/organs for action) are all healed in addition to the associated Varma points. When the blood and electrical flow of the body is fixed, problems Vanish and this is truly Holistic Wellness. It is a curative therapy and offers permanent solution for all or most medical conditions / situations.
Each Varma point has its own significance and they breathe “life”. There are more than 40,000 Varma points in our human body, of which 108 points are considered very important and critical. The “7 Chakras” in our human body also plays a major role in Varmakalai. Most medical problems / situations are a result of damage to specific Varma points / chakra’s in our body and has an easy cure when the therapist / Aasan treats it. The therapy involves process of Activating and bringing life to the specific Varma points, fixing the roots, cleansing of your Chakras, Soul purification, Vedic diet and some specific exercises that will help achieve the desired results. Most pain related issues / problems are cured instantly or within a few days, depending on the overall health condition of the patient.
A rightly diagnosed root cause of the disease and healing it will provide a permanent solution before it manifests, and also ensure that it doesn’t recur. Most treatment protocols do not require any Medications. With the divine blessings of our Guru’s and God, we have treated and cured many people of their miseries and incurable conditions.